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Scientific Publications on ginseng and related products

A description of scientific publications, covering different areas- i) agriculture/breeding; ii) phytochemistry, iii) preclinical pharmacology- in vitro and in vivio stating the targets investigated: immune stimulation and suppression, anti-inflammation, antibacterial activity, cardiovascular health, metabolism including adipose tissue, diabetes and it complications, stress, skeletal muscle; iv) advanced processing.

1. Overview of program

Edmund MK Lui and Daniel CW Brown. 2010. New technologies for ginseng agriculture and product development: perspective of the Ontario Ginseng Innovation and Research Consortium, Advances in ginseng research 2010 – Proceeding of the 10th international symposium on ginseng. 661-674

2. Plant biotechnology and phytochemistry

Chao Sun, Ying Li , Qiong Wu, Hong-Mei Luo, Yong-Zhen Sun, Jing-Yuan Song, Edmund M.K. Lui and Shi-Lin Chen. (2010). Sequencing and de novo analysis of American ginseng root transcriptome using GS FLX Titanium platform to discover putative genes involved in ginsenoside biosynthesis. BMC Genomics. 11:.262.

Di Wu, Ryan S A, Sijun Zhou and Dan Brown. (2013).The root transcriptome for North American ginseng assembled and profiled across seasonal development. BMC Genomics, 14:564.

Uchendu, E.E., Shukla, M.R., Reed, B.M., Brown, D.C.W and Saxena P.K. 2010. Improvement of Ginseng by In Vitro Culture: Challenges and Opportunities. COMPREHENSIVE BIOTECHNOLOGY, Murray Moo-Young (ed) 2nd edition, Elsevier. The Netherland.

Uchendu, E.E.; Brown, D.C.W. and Saxena P.K. 2011. Cryopreservation of Shoot Tips and Cotyledons of The North American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.). Cryoletters 32(6):463-472.

Uchendu, E.E.; Paliyath, G.; Brown, D.C.W. and Saxena, P.K. 2011. In vitro propagation of North American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.). In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology‐Plants 47:710-718. (DOI 10.1007/s11627-011-9379-y).

Edmund K Lui, Chike G. Azike, José A. Guerrero-Analco, Ahmad A. Romeh, Hua Pei, Sherif J. Kalda, John T. Arnason, Paul A. Charpentier “Bioactive Polysaccharides of American ginseng Panax quinquefolius L. in Modulation of Immune Function: Phytochemical and Pharmacological Characterization” in Polysaccharides. Edt by Desiree Nedra Karunaratne. InTech Press, 2012. ISBN 978-953-51-0819-1.

Jimmy Yuk, Kristina L. McIntyre, Joshua Hicks, Christian Fischer, Kim Colson, Ed Lui, Dan Brown, John T. Arnason. Distinguishing Ontario ginseng landraces and ginseng species using NMR-based metabolomics. Anal Bioanal Chem (American Botanical Council) (Special issue). 2012.DOI 10.1007/s00216-012-6582-6

McIntryre K, Liu A, Sun C, Brown D, Lui EMK and Arnason JT (2011). Ginsenoside Variation Within and Between Ontario Ginseng Landraces: Relating Phytochemistry to Biological Activity. Rec. Advances in Phytochem. 41: 97-107.

3. Pharmacology

Singh, Ratnesh; Lui, Edmund; Wright, David; Taylor, Adrian; Bakovic, Marica (2017) The alcohol extract of North American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) reduces fatty liver, dyslipidemia, and other complications of metabolic syndrome in a mouse model. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 95:1046-1057.

Xilan Tang, Xiaohong Tracey Gan, Venkatesh Rajapurohitam, Cathy Xiaoling Huang, Jenny Xue, Edmund MK Lui and Morris Karmazyn (2016). North American ginseng (P. quinquefolius) suppresses β adrenergic-dependent signaling, hypertrophy and cardiac dysfunction" Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 94: 1325-1335.

Ratnesh K. Singh, Edmund Lui, David Wright and Marica Bakovic. North American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) alleviates fatty liver disease and other complications of metabolic syndrome. Phytomedicine. 2016 (in press).

Yan Wua, Chaoyi Qinc, Xiangru Lud, Jocelyn Marchiorie, Qingping Fengd (2016). North American ginseng inhibits myocardial NOX2-ERK1/2 signalingand tumor necrosis factor- expression in endotoxemia.

Danyka Belanger, Michele D Calder, Alessandra Gianetto-Berruti, Edmund M Lui, Andrew J Watson, Valter Feyles.(2016). Effects of Ginseng extract treatment on preimplantation development in vitro and pregnancy in the mouse. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine. 44: 981-995.

Jamie Garbett, Sarah A.F.Wison, Jesica, C. Ralston, Anna A. De Boer, Ed M.K. Lui, David C. Wright, David M. Mutch. (2015). North American ginseng influences adipocyte-macrophage crotalk regulation of inflammatory gene expression. J Ginseng Research,

Mao Jiang, Juan M Murias, Tom Chrones, Stephen M Sims, Edmund Lui, Earl G Noble. 2014. American Ginseng Acutely Regulates Contractile Function of Rat Heart. Frontiers in Cardiovascular and Smooth Muscle Pharmacology. 5:43

Mehrbod Estaki and Earl G. Noble (2015). North American ginseng protects against muscle damage and reduces neutrophil infiltration after an acute bout of downhill running in rats. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 40: 116–121.

Misagh Alipour, Abdel Omri, Edmund M K Lui, and Zacharias E. Suntres. (2013). Co-administration of aqueous ginseng extract and tobramycin stimulate the pro-inflammatory response and promote the killing of P. aeruginosa in lungs of infected rats. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 91:935-40

Laura E. Bowie, Wendi A. Roscoe, Ed MK Lui, Robin Smith, and Stephen J. Karlick (2012).

Effects of an aqueous extract of American ginseng on MOG(35-55) induced EAE in mice. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 90 (7), 933-939.

Melissa Moey, Xiaohong T Gan, Cathy Xiaoling Huang, Venkatesh Rajapurohitam, Eduardo Martínez-Abundis, Edmund M. K. Lui and Morris Karmazyn. (2012). Ginseng Reverses Established Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy and Post Myocardial Infarction-Induced Hypertrophy and Heart Failure. Circulation. 5: 504-514.

Sen, Subhrojit; Chen, Shali; Feng, Biao; Wu, Yuexiu; Lui, Edmund; Chakrabarti, Subrata (2012). Preventive effects of North American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) on diabetic retinopathy and cardiomyopathy. Phytotheraphy Res. 8 MAY 2012. DOI: 10.1002/ptr.4719

Sarah A Wilson, Monica Wong, Carolina Stryjecki, Anna De Boer, Ed Lui, and David M Mutch (2012). Unraveling the adipocyte inflammomodulatory pathways activated by North American ginseng. International Journal of Obesity. 2012. advance online publication, 17 April 2012; doi:10.1038/ijo.2012.50

Holly R. Lemmona, JaneSham , Luan A. Chau , Joaquı´n Madrenas. (2012). High molecular weight polysaccharides are key immunomodulators in North American ginseng extracts:Characterization of the ginseng genetic signature in primary humanimmunecells. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 142:1–13

Sen, Subhrojit; Chen, Shali; Feng, Biao; Wu, Yuexiu; Lui, Edmund; Chakrabarti, Subrata (2012). Preventive effects of North American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) on diabetic neuropathy. Phytomedicine. 19: 494– 505

Chike G. Azike, Hou Jirui, Pei Hua, Paul A. Charpentier and Edmund M.K. Lui (2011). The yin/yang actions of NA Ginseng in modulating the immune function of macrophages. Chinese Medicine. 6: 21 (May 27, 2011)

Wu Y, Lu X, Xiang FL, Lui, EMK, Feng Q. (2011). Ginseng protects the heart from ischemia and reperfusion injury via upregulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Pharmacological Research. 64:195-202.

Sen, Subhrojit; Chen, Shali; Feng, Biao; Wu, Yuexiu; Lui, Edmund; Chakrabarti, Subrata. (2011). Preventive effects of American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) on glucose-induced endothelial cell injury and associated oxidative stress. Phytomedicine. 18: 1110-1117.

Tahira Fatima, Al Hassan Kyakulaga, Sanghyun Lee, Ian Welch and Edmund M. K. Lui. Cytoprotective effects of crude polysaccharide fraction of Panax quinquefolius against cyclophosphamide toxicity. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium of Ginseng. Seoul, Korea. Oct 27-30, 2014. p214-232.

Lui E, Hou Jirui, Suma Ramagiri,Takeo Sakuma, Eva Duchoslav, Ron Bonner; Lyle Burton, David Cox, Tom Moy. Pharmacometabonomics of ginseng extracts on vascular injury induced by chronic homocysteine treatment. Invited oral presentation at the “Biomarker Analysis and Metabolomics in Drug Discovery”, American Society of Mass Spectrometry Conference 2011.

4. Advanced processing

Kazi Farida Akhter, Md Abdul Mumina, Edmund M.K.Lui, Paul A.Charpentier.(2018) Fabrication of fluorescent labeled ginseng polysaccharide nanoparticles for bioimaging and their immunomodulatory activity on macrophage cell lines. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 109: 254-262.

Akhter, Kazi Farida, Mumin, Md Abdul, Lui, Ed, Charpentier, Paul. (2015) Microfluidic synthesis of ginseng polysaccharide nanoparticles for immunostimulating action on Macrophage cell lines ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering (Manuscript ID: ab-2015-00413t).

Raziye Samimi, Mehrnaz Salarian, Ed Lui, Paul A. Charpentier, (2014). Encapsulation of acetyl ginsenoside Rb1 within monodisperse PLGA microspheres using microfluidic device, Ind.Eng.Chem.Res., (2014)

YANG Xiu-shi, WANG Li-jun, DONG Chuan, Edmund Man King Lui and REN Gui-xing (2014). Optimization of Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction Process of Polysaccharides from American Ginseng and Evaluation of Its Immunostimulating Activity. Journal of Integrative Agriculture,13: 2807-2815.

Wang L, Yu X, Yang X, Yao Y, Lui EM, Ren G. (2014). Structural and anti-inflammatory characterization of a novel neutral polysaccharide from North American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius). Int J Biol Macromol. 2014 Nov 27. pii: S0141-8130(14)00747-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2014.10.062. [Epub ahead of print].

Samimi R, Xu WZ, Lui EM, Charpentier PA. Isolation and immunosuppressive effects of 6″-O-acetylginsenoside Rb1 extracted from North American ginseng. (2014). Planta Med. 80:509-16.

Raziye Samimi, William Z. Xu, Qasem Alsharai, Paul A. Charpentier. (2014) Supercritical fluid chromatography of North American ginseng extract. J. of supercritical Fluids. 86: 115-123.

Salarian M., Xu William Z., Biesinger M., and Charpentier P.A., “Synthesis and Characterization of Novel TiO2-Poly(propylene fumarate) Nanocomposites for Bone Cementation”, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, Vol. 2 (2014), pp. 5145-5156.

Adriana Cimo, Mohammad Soltani, Edmund Lui and Sharareh Hekmat (2013). Fortification of probiotic yogurt with ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) extract. J Food Nutr Disor, 2:2

5. Publications in other herbal products

Cheung SS, Tai J, Hasman D, Ou D, Warnock GL. Inhibition of human pancreatic cancer cell proliferation by Devil’s club Oplopanax horridus and its polyacetylene bioactive compound. Nutrition and Cancer 67:954-964, 2015.

Tai J, Cheung SS, Hasman D. Human ovarian cancer multicellular spheroids: a model for testing antiproliferation activity of Devil’s club (Oplopanax horridus) and anticancer agents. Planta Med 80: 662-670, 2014.

Tai J, Cheung S, Ou D, Warnock GL, Hasman D. Antiproliferation Activity of Devil’s club (Oplopanax horridus) and Anticancer Agents on Human Pancreatic Cancer Multicellular Spheroids. Phytomedicine 21:506-514, 2014.

Tai J, Cheung S, Wu M, Hasman D. Antiproliferation effect of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) on human ovarian cancer cells in vitro. Phytomedicine 19: 436-443, 2012.

Tai J, Cheung S, Chan E, Hasman D. Antiproliferation effect of commercially brewed coffees on human ovarian cancer cells in vitro. Nutrition and Cancer 62: 1044-1057, 2010.

Wasdell MB, Jan JE, Bomben MM, Freeman RD, Rietveld WJ, Tai J, Hamilton D, Weiss MD. A randomized,

placebo-controlled trial of controlled release melatonin treatment of delayed sleep phase syndrome and

impaired sleep maintenance in children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. J Pineal Res 44:57-64, 2008.

Tai J, Cheung S. Anti-proliferative and antioxidant activities of Saposhnikovia divaricata. Oncol Rep. 18:227-234, 2007.

Cheung S, Lim KT, Tai J. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of ESSIAC and Flor-Essence. Oncol Rep. 14:1345-1350, 2005.

Cheung S, Tai J. In vitro studies of the dry fruit of Chinese fan palm Livistona chinensis. Oncol Rep. 14:1331-1336, 2005.

6. Other relevant presentations at national and international meetings

EMK Lui. Quality and pharmacology of Ontario-grown Panax quinquefolius and its polysaccharides fraction. Therapeutic Applications of Functional Food and Bioactives. Can Centre for Agri Food Research in Health and Medicine. April 21-22, 2016

Invited speaker. EMK Lui. Challenges to identifying active constituents in Addressing Challenges in the Assessment of Botanical Dietary Supplement Safety Workshop April 26-27, 2016. Lister Hill Center Auditorium • National Institutes of Health • Bethesda, Maryland. Sponsored by NTP and NIEHS.

Lui, EMK Breeding program to improve quality of Ontario grown Panax quinquefolius. Inaugural Meeting and the First Academic Annual Meeting of Specialty Committee of Medical Resources Utilization and Conservation of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies. Beijing, PRC. Oct, 2013.

Dan Brown. Development of North American ginseng germplasm for health efficacy. 10th Annual NHPRS Conference. Windsor ON. May 12-15, 201

Ed Lui. Progress on standards of quality of seeds and seedlings of Panax quinquefolius. 4th meeting of ISO/TTC 249WG1. Beijing, China. Oct 11, 2013.

Ed Lui, Xu Guo, Eva Duchoslav, Takeo Sakuma, Dave Cox, Byung-Hee Shin. High Resolution Profiling of Ginsenosides of Cultivated Korean Ginseng using Triple-Quadrupole-Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Technology. 11th Consortiun for Globalization of Chinese Medicine Conference, Aug 2012, Macau, PRC.

Edmund M.K. Lui, Takeo Sakuma, Suma Ramagiri Tom Moy Carmai Seto The study of North American ginseng metabolism in rats by LC-MS/MS. 50th Anniversary PSNA Meeting, Hawaii. Dec 10-15, 2011 (Selected oral presentation, available online).

Lui E, Hou Jirui, Suma Ramagiri,Takeo Sakuma, Eva Duchoslav, Ron Bonner; Lyle Burton, David Cox, Tom Moy. Pharmacometabonomics of ginseng extracts on vascular injury induced by chronic homocysteine treatment. Invited oral presentation at the “Biomarker Analysis and Metabolomics in Drug Discovery”, American Society of Mass Spectrometry Conference 2011.

Tahira Fatima, Al Hassan Kyakulaga, Sanghyun Lee, Ian Welch and Edmund M. K. Lui. Cytoprotective effects of crude polysaccharide fraction of Panax quinquefolius against cyclophosphamide toxicity. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium of Ginseng. Seoul, Korea. Oct 27-30, 2014. p214-232.

Edmund M.K. Lui, Takeo Sakuma, Suma Ramagiri Tom Moy Carmai Seto The study of North American ginseng metabolism in rats by LC-MS/MS. 50th Anniversary PSNA Meeting, Hawaii. Dec 10-15, 2011 (Selected oral presentation, available online)

Ed Lui - Preclinical and safety consideration: ginseng case study in “Incorporation of Natural Bioactives in Food Formats” Discussion Forum. Natural Bioactives Conference, London Ont 2012.

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